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Routine Bone Marrow Biopsy Has Little or No Therapeutic Consequence for Positron Emission Tomography/ Computed Tomography-Staged Treatment-Naive Patients With Hodgkin Lymphoma . El-Galaly TC, d’Amore F, Mylam KJ, de Nully Brown P, Bøgsted M, Bukh A, Specht L, Loft A, Iyer V, Hjorthaug K, Nielsen AL, Christiansen I, Madsen C, Johnsen HE, Hutchings M. J Clin Oncol. 2012;30(36):4508-14

Differential case reporting in a national clinical quality database: an analysis of the impact on comparison of outcome between departments.
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R-CHOEP-14 improves overall survival in young high-risk patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma compared with R-CHOP-14. A population-based investigation from the Danish Lymphoma Group.

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A retrospective analysis of treatment outcome in 106 cases of localized gastric non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Danish Lymphoma Study Group, LYFO. Brincker,-H; D’Amore,-F Leuk-Lymphoma. 1995 Jul; 18(3-4): 281-8

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Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the gastrointestinal tract: a population-based analysis of incidence, geographic distribution, clinicopathologic presentation features, and prognosis. Danish Lymphoma Study Group. d’Amore,-F; Brincker,-H; Gronbaek,-K; Thorling,-K; Pedersen,-M; Jensen,-M-K; Andersen,-E; Pedersen,-N-T; Mortensen,-L-S J-Clin-Oncol. 1994 Aug; 12(8): 1673-84

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